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IQAir HealthPro replacement filters
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IQAir HealthPro replacement filters

Embee's IQAir PreMax replacement filter - the PreProtect - is back in stock

Just a quick post to let customers know that our IQAir PreMax replacement filter - the PreProtect - is back in stock.

The PreProtect is a first-stage filter for all 3-filter IQAir HealthPro machines, including the IQAir HealthPro 250 and IQAir HealthPro Plus.

Embee's PreProtect IQAir replacement filter is framed in recyclable, high-quality aluminum and contains a massive 30 square feet (2.8 square meters) of filter media manufactured by FSC-certified, USA filtration giant Hollingsworth & Vose. This provides for exceptional lifespan and ensures that your purifier is always operating at high efficiency.

As always, you'll find complete information on which IQAir filter you need here, and how to replace your IQAir filters here.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch with the team.

* IQAir, HealthPro, HyperHEPA, V5-Cell, and PreMax are registered trademarks of the IQAir Group

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